Tiny alternative to electron

I wanted to build a small desktop app for my own usage but using electron felt like an overkill (since I won't be using most of the API electron provides). So I wrote a really tiny alternative to electron.

you can easily use it as follows

const Tiny = require("tinytron")

const window = new Tiny();
window.setSize(500, 600);
window.setTitle("Your app");

// When using your own app use express to run the server and pass the url


But unlike electron it does not come with node packed in so you may need to use something like [pgk](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pkg) to generate binary that user can use

here is the [link](https://github.com/rafi993/tiny) to the repo.

*[This post is also available on DEV.](https://dev.to/rafi993/tiny-alternative-to-electron-7m6)*

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